Cake, Batter, and Bowl

Video: Sugar Cookie Dough Decorations


Who else looooves the Olympics?! I’ve been doing my best to avoid the web and twitter during the day so I don’t accidently read any spoilers before the broadcasts at night. I just love tuning in and watching all the events, and I want to cheer along and be surprised by the winners, especially in the swimming races since I grew up in the pool.

In honor of the games, I decided to decorate some Team USA cupcakes with my eggless sugar cookie dough decorations and used the opportunity to make a little video demonstration of the recipe. I originally posted about this recipe over 2 years ago, so it may be new to many of you.

Since fondant isn’t very delicious and can be intimidating to work with the first several times you use it, I decided I needed to develop more tasty cake decorations that were also easy to whip up. Since I sort of love eating raw sugar cookie dough (yes, I totally look forward to eating all the scrap pieces after cutting out cookies!), I decided to develop an eggless sugar cookie dough that can be colored and rolled out like fondant. You can then simply use cookie cutters to cut out the shapes that you’d like to use to decorate your cupcakes or cake. Really easy and oh so good.

Here’s the video and I’ll post the recipe again below too – I hope some of you try this recipe out and let me know what you think! Go USA!!

Sugar Cookie Dough Decorations
Printable Recipe

3 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
Food coloring

Mix butter and sugar in a large bowl until creamed. Add milk and vanilla and mix until smooth; stir in flour and salt and knead with your hands until well mixed. Mix dough with desired food colorings. Roll dough out with a rolling pin and use cookie cutters to create cute shapes or mold dough into desired shapes by hand. Top cookies or cupcakes with your decorations! Store all decorated cookies in the refrigerator.

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