Cake, Batter, and Bowl

Coconut & Lime Cheesecake Dessert Sushi


coconut and lime cheesecake dessert sushi kerstin sinkevicius cake batter and bowl blog

I’ve been wanting to develop another dessert sushi recipe for awhile now since I know it’s something people are very interested in (my Fruit-Filled Coconut & Chocolate Dessert Sushi recipe gets more google hits than any other recipe by far on my blog). I finally found the perfect opportunity to do so this weekend when I noticed that Rachel at Coconut & Lime is having a contest to celebrate her five year blogoversary! She has 900 original recipes on her blog, which is quite inspiring. I was happy when I recently realized I had finally posted over 30 recipes and could register for Food Blog Search! Anyway, I decided to come up with a recipe using Rachel’s favorite ingredients, coconut and lime.

One of the first things that came to mind when I started thinking about this flavor combination was cheesecake. So, I made a chocolate dough that substituted for the “seaweed” and piled on a coconut and line cheesecake layer as the “rice” and then filled the roll with fruit. I just used kiwi and mango this time, but I like to use strawberries when we have them around. This recipe is a bit tricky, so definitely use it as a starting point. The amount of fruit I add varies a bit depending on the way it’s cut. I have a couple more dessert sushi ideas floating around my head, so don’t be surprised to see a few additional twists at some point!

Coconut & Lime Cheesecake Dessert Sushi
Printable Recipe

6 ounces cream cheese, softened
7 tablespoons granulated sugar
Juice of one lime
2 cups shredded coconut, toasted
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1 tablespoon milk
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
5 ounces colorful fresh fruit, sliced into long strips
3 ounces milk chocolate, melted

Mix cream cheese, 4 tablespoons sugar, and lime juice in a medium bowl until smooth. Stir in coconut.

Meanwhile, melt butter and chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl in the microwave for 1 minute on high. Stir in remaining 3 tablespoons sugar, milk, and vanilla until smooth; stir in flour and salt until a soft dough forms.

Roll chocolate dough into a 13-inch log and place down the middle of a large sheet of waxed paper. Place another piece of waxed paper on top of the log and use a rolling pin to roll the log into a 13×6-inch rectangle. Remove top sheet of waxed paper.

Spread coconut and lime cheesecake mixture on top of chocolate dough rectangle in a 13×5.5-inch rectangle, leaving a 1/4-inch border on both long sides of the rectangle. Line up sliced fruit down the middle of the sushi roll and roll up dough into a cylinder like a “sushi roll” by lifting up waxed paper and sealing the ends of the dough together. Roll the roll on the counter and press together firmly. Remove waxed paper from the roll and carefully cut into 16 dessert sushi pieces with a sharp knife.

Place melted milk chocolate into small soy sauce containers. Serve dessert sushi with melted milk chocolate and eat with chopsticks! Makes 8 servings.

Nutrition: 317 calories, 19.2g fat, 1.9g fiber, 3.8g protein per serving
Cost: $3.42 total

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