Cake, Batter, and Bowl

Fall Breakfast Hash with Cheesy Scrambled Eggs

Brunch Dishes, Travel

Apolinaras and I recently traveled to Portland, Oregon, for my dear friend Britt’s wedding. Britt, Annika, and I were inseparable during college and whenever we’re together, it’s like nothing has changed – we had soooo much fun!  Britt and her new hubby Ben were just beaming all night.

And, Portland is such an incredible town for foodies. I’ve been looking forward to sharing all the restaurants we checked out ever since we got back. We flew in on a Thursday and immediately headed out to get our nails done and begin the wedding festivities with Britt’s bachelorette party. Gilt Club helped us design a lovely family style meal, and then we danced the night away.

The next morning Apolinaras, and I ventured out to Voodoo Doughnut. I’ve heard about this place for years, and being a huge donut fan, couldn’t wait to get my hands on some! My favorites were the Bacon Maple Bar and Old Dirty Bastard, a yeast donut with chocolate frosting, Oreo’s, and peanut butter, which I’m so glad Britt recommended. The donuts definitely lived up to the hype. So much so, that we returned on Sunday to pick some up to bring home with us!

The rehearsal dinner on Friday was at Beast, where we were treated to an amazing six course meal by Chef Naomi Pomeroy, who you may recognize from Top Chef Masters. I was tickled to catch a glimpse of her before we settled in for our meal, and while I don’t usually get my camera out at nice restaurants, I couldn’t help myself this time.

Our favorite courses of the night were the charcuterie plate, which featured many delectable bites, including a foie-gras bon-bon, steak tartare and quail egg toast, and pork pate with prunes and pistachios, and the main course of rib-eye steak with horseradish salsa verde, fallen cauliflower soufflé, roasted radicchio, and duck demi-glace – soooo good!

The next day was the wedding! We spent the morning getting ready and sipping on apple juice mixed with champagne. I loved my hair and just had to share a pic. It’s so fun having long enough locks for different styles.

The wedding was at the funky Jupiter Hotel, where we also stayed. Here’s the beautiful bridal party (plus Sahil, Britt’s bridesman!).

This is a classic shot that Annika and I always take. Everyone always comments on our height difference so we like to play it up. Looking at these pictures make me already miss everyone.

And finally, one with Apolinaras!

Other foodie highlights included brunch at Miss Delta, late night slices at Sizzle Pie, a mouth watering roast beef sandwich from Laurelhurst Market, and brunch at Screen Door. Definitely check out Screen Door if you’re ever in town. They feature Southern specialties, and I’ve already created two dishes inspired by our meal there! The first is based on what I ordered, the fall breakfast hash. It’s nice to enjoy some roasted veggies in the morning.

My hash included lightly curry spiced sweet potatoes, butternut squash, cauliflower, and kale. I started by roasting the potatoes and then added in the other veggies in at different times so they would all turn out perfectly. I baked a couple eggs on top for Apolinaras, who enjoys runny yolks, and scrambled up some cheesy eggs for myself on the side. My second recipe inspired by Screen Door will be up next!

Fall Breakfast Hash with Cheesy Scrambled Eggs
Printable Recipe


Fall Breakfast Hash:
6 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon curry powder
2 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into bite-sized cubes (5 cups or 25 ounces)
1 small butternut squash, peeled, and cut into bite-sized cubes (5 cups or 25 ounces)
1 head cauliflower, cut into bite-sized pieces (5 cups or 17 ounces)
3 packed cups deveined and coarsely chopped kale leaves (2 ounces)
1 teaspoon salt

Cheesy Scrambled Eggs:
12 large eggs
6 tablespoons milk
1/4 teaspoon salt
3/4 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

To make the fall breakfast hash, heat oven to 400˚F. Place olive oil and curry powder in a small bowl and stir well. Place potato cubes on a large baking sheet and drizzle with 3 tablespoons olive oil. Stir well so all potatoes are coated evenly with the oil and spread on the baking sheet. Bake at 400˚F for 15 minutes. Remove pan from oven, add squash cubes, sprinkle with 1 additional tablespoon olive oil and stir well. Bake an additional 15 minutes at 400˚F. Remove pan from oven, add cauliflower, sprinkle with 1 additional tablespoon olive oil and stir well. Bake an additional 15 minutes at 400˚F. Remove pan from oven, add kale, sprinkle with 1 remaining tablespoon olive oil and salt, and stir well. Bake an additional 5 minutes at 400˚F.

To make the cheesy scrambled eggs, whisk eggs, milk, and salt together in a small bowl; stir in cheese. Pour mixture into a large greased nonstick skillet over medium heat and cook until eggs are set, stirring frequently, about 4 minutes. Serve eggs on top of or next to fall breakfast hash. Makes 4 large servings.

Nutrition: 572 calories, 28.7g fat, 16.0g fat, 26.7g protein per serving
Cost: $2.63 per serving

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